Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Reality TV is a load of junk.

What is with all the reality shows on television lately? They almost all stink. Now, granted, much of the surge in reality shows' prevalence is probably due to the writers' strike. Will there be a new season of Heroes, or is the show terminated. Long term, could this be the first nail in the coffin for American culture? Could the rise of reality television be a sign that normal American television is in decline? On one hand, good. Hollywood doesn't exactly represent the United States all that great. On the other hand, though, American culture--via television--does effect the world.

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History: The Roadmap to the Future.
History: The Roadmap to the Future--Africa.
History: The Roadmap to the Future--Asia.
History: The Roadmap to the Future--Europe.
History: The Roadmap to the Future--Latin America.

The Science Fiction Channel + Technorium.
The Vegetarian Diaries.

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Found this article interesting? Check out:
History: The Roadmap to the Future.
History: The Roadmap to the Future--Africa.
History: The Roadmap to the Future--Asia.
History: The Roadmap to the Future--Europe.
History: The Roadmap to the Future--Latin America.

The Science Fiction Channel + Technorium.
The Vegetarian Diaries.

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