Monday, August 4, 2008

Friday, August 1, 2008

Koan #2: When the real world won't do, dreaming will suffice.

When the real world won't do, dreaming will suffice.


When the real world is too disappointing, or is too lacking, then dreaming and daydreaming will do, even though it is not the same.

By dreaming or daydreaming, one can have some type of life where things are not so bad as the real world, taking into account that the dream world is irrelevant.

So, if one's real life is progressing badly, one can take refuge in their dreams and daydreams.

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History: The Roadmap to the Future.
History: The Roadmap to the Future--Africa.
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History: The Roadmap to the Future--Europe.
History: The Roadmap to the Future--Latin America.

The Science Fiction Channel + Technorium.
The Vegetarian Diaries.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Koan #1: One lives for love.

One lives for love.


One lives for love. One lives to love others, and make them smile and laugh, and to provide for them in some capacity. One lives to serve love to them.

In turn, one lives to draw love from others, to be loved himself. To take part in the affection of others.

Without this living for love, one's lives is almost without purpose, and can lead to one being unfulfilled. One can have billions of riches, a huge house and property, but without having people to love and people to love them, their lives are not complete. They could turn to other things, such as the aforementioned pursuit of money, wealth, prestige, or even such more-frowned-upon things such as racial solidarity (racism), drug-use, and alcoholism. But these will ultimately fail them.

Even the most famous and respected of people often just end up as merely another figure of history. The greatest legacy one can make does not deal directly with making a great invention or discovery which changes the world, conquering and ruling vast territories, or some other such thing which makes an enormous impact on history.

The reason to keep on living is to love others, and to be loved by them. Without that, this life is almost pointless.

[Christians can have a more specific purpose for life, but this view covers those that are not Christians, too.]

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History: The Roadmap to the Future.
History: The Roadmap to the Future--Africa.
History: The Roadmap to the Future--Asia.
History: The Roadmap to the Future--Europe.
History: The Roadmap to the Future--Latin America.

The Science Fiction Channel + Technorium.
The Vegetarian Diaries.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Suggestions for Blogger (Blogspot)

Yet another counter has been procured from for this blog.

Why doesn't Blogger/Blogspot have a counter option in the layout section? Many blogger would want to see how many people are visiting their site and reading their posts.

Then there's the unwieldy blog archives. Why not either ditch the hierarchical model all together, or offer the option of a blog calendar as standard? Many bloggers would choose a calendar archive over the hierarchical model.

Instead, bloggers have to scrounge about on the internet for codes to implement these, and there could be viruses in the codes, or just difficulty putting them into the blog. Get with the picture Blogger.

And consider changing the name Blogger simply to Blogspot, so as to make looking up Blogger/Blogspot stuff on the internet easier.

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History: The Roadmap to the Future.
History: The Roadmap to the Future--Africa.
History: The Roadmap to the Future--Asia.
History: The Roadmap to the Future--Europe.
History: The Roadmap to the Future--Latin America.

The Science Fiction Channel + Technorium.
The Vegetarian Diaries.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Virtues of sunbathing.

Intend to sunbathe today. In moderation, sunbathing is a smart option. For starters, the solar UV provides for free, and efficient vitamin D. Add onto that, sunbathing is free warmth and a way to breath fresh air. Downsides are all the junk in that air, and bugs--though there are currently ants inside parts of the house anyway.

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History: The Roadmap to the Future.
History: The Roadmap to the Future--Africa.
History: The Roadmap to the Future--Asia.
History: The Roadmap to the Future--Europe.
History: The Roadmap to the Future--Latin America.

The Science Fiction Channel + Technorium.
The Vegetarian Diaries.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Bathtub physics.

General consensus among scientists is that the universe is expanding, and that the expansion is accelerating. Many scientists believe the universe began in a Big Bang, and that the expansion is being accelerated by the mysterious dark matter, while Creationist scientists (probably just lost some of you there--eh, tough) meanwhile generally don't believe in a Big Bang, while acknowledging the expansion of the universe.

Anyway, have a tendency to relate physics to a bathtub, when applicable. Moving a hand relatively fast through the water creates a vortex which draws soap bubbles together into something resembling a 'galaxy.' (The drain vortex is similar to a black hole, of course ;-)). The vortices represent gravity, drawing things together. The 'physics' occurs on the two-dimensional surface of the water, so is not completely accurate for a three-dimensional (spatially) universe. As a vortex loses its strength, its galaxy goes from small to bigger, and expands.... and the expansion is an accelerating expansion.

If you see where getting at, what if the universe is in some type of gravitational vortex (dimensionally modified), and the vortex is weakening? The result would be that the universe expands (as the vortex 'flattens out,' with something [dark matter?] taking the place of water pressure; alternatively, the universe could be naturally repellent--fast massive bodies are supposed to repel, after all--and the vortex could be compressing the universe?) and the expansion would be accelerating even if the weakening was at a constant rate (though the rate wouldn't necessarily have to be constant).

That scenario would also entail that as the gravitational vortex the universe is in weakens, time would progress faster. The higher the mass (hence higher gravitation), the slower the passage of time. (As with those hypothetical scenarios of an astronaut traveling almost at the speed of light an barely aging while people on Earth grow old--because the closer to c, the closer to infinite mass, the closer to infinite gravitation, the closer to no passage of time). The lower the gravitation (and a lower mass, incidentally), the opposite, a faster passage of time.

So reports that light could have been faster long ago could be the other way around. c could be constant, but time could be changing, and therefore light seems to be slowing? While long ago it took light nine years to get from one point to another, now it takes ten, not because light is slowing, but because the passage of time is getting faster?

Now, not qualified to make such an argument convincingly, but this is just some little thing that have been pondering about after the idea popped up while trying to sleep this morning. In other words, this is just an extremely amateurish hypothesis--but still airing it because can.

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History: The Roadmap to the Future.
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History: The Roadmap to the Future--Europe.
History: The Roadmap to the Future--Latin America.

The Science Fiction Channel + Technorium.
The Vegetarian Diaries.

Do you have bad breath?

Have wondered whether other people who brush their tongue or use mouthwash later end up with a cold because 'good' bacteria were killed and were replaced by 'bad' bacteria. So the other option is to not brush tongue or use mouthwash and get bad breath and faster plaque buildup. Additionally the bad breath can trigger a migraine.

Do other people have similar situations?

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History: The Roadmap to the Future.
History: The Roadmap to the Future--Africa.
History: The Roadmap to the Future--Asia.
History: The Roadmap to the Future--Europe.
History: The Roadmap to the Future--Latin America.

The Science Fiction Channel + Technorium.
The Vegetarian Diaries.


Have been having insomnia for about a week, able to get only around five hours worth of sleep before waking. This makes things extremely difficult when have to sleep in particular allotments; don't have the freedom to sleep at any point. The insomnia has caused quite a few migraines, and has made even more testy than normal. Hopefully, will be able to sleep more or less uninterrupted in a ten hour allotment soon. There are far too many omens in life.

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History: The Roadmap to the Future.
History: The Roadmap to the Future--Africa.
History: The Roadmap to the Future--Asia.
History: The Roadmap to the Future--Europe.
History: The Roadmap to the Future--Latin America.

The Science Fiction Channel + Technorium.
The Vegetarian Diaries.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Being surrounded by noisy people who are anger inducing definitely drives up cortisol levels.

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History: The Roadmap to the Future.
History: The Roadmap to the Future--Africa.
History: The Roadmap to the Future--Asia.
History: The Roadmap to the Future--Europe.
History: The Roadmap to the Future--Latin America.

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History: The Roadmap to the Future.
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History: The Roadmap to the Future--Europe.
History: The Roadmap to the Future--Latin America.

The Science Fiction Channel + Technorium.
The Vegetarian Diaries.

Reality TV is a load of junk.

What is with all the reality shows on television lately? They almost all stink. Now, granted, much of the surge in reality shows' prevalence is probably due to the writers' strike. Will there be a new season of Heroes, or is the show terminated. Long term, could this be the first nail in the coffin for American culture? Could the rise of reality television be a sign that normal American television is in decline? On one hand, good. Hollywood doesn't exactly represent the United States all that great. On the other hand, though, American culture--via television--does effect the world.

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History: The Roadmap to the Future.
History: The Roadmap to the Future--Africa.
History: The Roadmap to the Future--Asia.
History: The Roadmap to the Future--Europe.
History: The Roadmap to the Future--Latin America.

The Science Fiction Channel + Technorium.
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History: The Roadmap to the Future.
History: The Roadmap to the Future--Africa.
History: The Roadmap to the Future--Asia.
History: The Roadmap to the Future--Europe.
History: The Roadmap to the Future--Latin America.

The Science Fiction Channel + Technorium.
The Vegetarian Diaries.

Words to live (forever) by: John 3:16.

wall. wall. wall. wall.

John 3:16 (King James Version)

"16For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."

wall. wall. wall. wall. wall.

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History: The Roadmap to the Future.
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History: The Roadmap to the Future--Latin America.

The Science Fiction Channel + Technorium.
The Vegetarian Diaries.